In conjunction with our sister company in Canada, Britavia Consulting Inc, we have assisted with a number of projects.
Here are a sample:

Cargo Conversions for Cargojet Airlines
Assisted Cargojet Airlines with oversight of 1x Boeing 767-300 and 2x Boeing 767-200 aircraft conversion from passenger to cargo configuration. This project included onsite representation, monitoring of the conversion work and associated bridging checks, plus tracking materials requirements.
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Mid-Lease & Delivery Inspections for Mitsui & Co
Carried out mid-lease inspections of 4x in-service Boeing 737-800's, plus oversight of 2x new Airbus A320 deliveries at Toulouse, France. These projects included aircraft inspection and review of current records, plus completion of a detailed inspection report documenting the condition and status of each aircraft.
Location: Various

Fleet Expansion for Sky Regional Airlines
Assisted Sky Regional Airlines (Air Canada Express) with the addition of 2x Embraer E175 aircraft to their fleet. This project included onsite inspection of the aircraft, review of the associated technical records, monitoring of the bridging checks and initial preparation of importation binders for presentation to Transport Canada.
Location: Warsaw, Poland.

Fleet Expansion for Cargojet Airlines
Assisted Cargojet Airlines with the addition of 2x Boeing 757-200, 2x Boeing 767-200 and 8x Boeing 767-300 freighter aircraft to their fleet. This project included onsite inspection of the aircraft, review of the associated technical records, monitoring of the bridging checks and preparing Importation binders for presentation to Transport Canada. Also, performed oversight of painting activities for some of the aircraft.

Lease Delivery for Willis Lease
Provided oversight of a Boeing 737-700 delivery to Eastern Air Lines on behalf of Willis Lease. This project included onsite physical inspection of the aircraft, preparation of a bridging workscope, technical records review and assessment, oversight of the bridging check, and liaison with the new operators representative.
Location: Norwich, England.

Lease Transfer for ILFC
Assisted ILFC with the lease return of 3x Boeing 737-800 aircraft from AeroMexico with onward delivery to new operators. This project included onsite inspection of the aircraft, review of the associated technical records, monitoring of the bridging checks and liaison with the new operators representatives.
Location: Mexico City, Mexico.

Lease Delivery for ILFC
Assisted ILFC with the delivery of 2x Airbus A330-200 aircraft to Aerolineas Argentinas. This project included a review of the associated technical records, monitoring of the delivery checks and liaison with the new operators representatives.
Location: Tarbes, France.